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Your Donation

(GuideStar and The Foundation Center joined forces in 2022 to create Candid, the pre-eminent source of financial and programmatic information for donors. The platinum seal of transparency is Candid's highest award. )

Thank you for your support!

  • Acknowledgement note
  • Acknowledgement note
  • Recognition in Ruby category on Annual Report
  • Acknowledgement note
  • Recognition in Gold category on Annual Report
  • Inclusion on Website Donor Wall at Gold level
  • Acknowledgement note
  • Recognition in Sapphire category on Annual Report
  • Specialty ACBLEF Card Deck
  • Advance notice of ACLBEF news, events and programs
  • Inclusion on Website Donor Wall at Sapphire level
  • Acknowledgement note
  • Recognition in Diamond category on Annual Report
  • Inclusion on Website Donor Wall at Diamond level
  • Social media post
  • Advance notice of ACLBEF news, events and programs
  • Specialty ACBLEF card deck
  • ACBLEF Diamond Donor Zoom background
  • Recognition in email blast
  • Acknowledgement note
  • Recognition in Emerald category on Annual Report
  • Inclusion on Website Donor Wall at Emerald level
  • Recognition in email blast
  • Social media post quarterly
  • Specialty ACBLEF card deck
  • Quarterly Program Updates
  • Donor Pin for Name Badges
  • ACBLEF Emerald Donor Zoom background
  • Recognized in quarterly web banner

For donations above $5,000, please contact Ladawna Parham at executivedirector@acbleducationalfoundation or 615-426-2463 to discuss options for appropriate engagement and recognition. Thank you for your support!

Please apply my gift:
Should this donation be made in honor/memory of someone?
(If this donation should be made in honor/memory of someone, please mention them here.)
(If this donation should be made in honor/memory of someone, please indicate your relationship to them here.)
(If someone should be notified about this donation, please specify their name and address here.)
(If you would like to make this donation anonymously, please indicate so here.)
(If you would like to make this donation anonymously on social media only, please indicate so here.)

Please note - donation receipts and electronic acknowledgements will come from Please add this address to your email contacts to avoid communications from being filtered into spam.

Please only press "Submit" once, or your credit card may be charged multiple times.

If you prefer to send a check, please mail it to:
ACBL Educational Foundation
6575 Wind Chase Blvd.
Horn Lake, MS 38637-1523

The ACBL Educational Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non profit organization #58-1733600. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. No goods or services were provided in return for this contribution.